The Difference Between Arthritis And Arthritis

What is the difference between arthritis and dry arthritis?

Many people confuse names because they don't know the difference.

These diseases are characterized by joint damage, but there is a significant difference between them.

Elbow pain

What's the difference

Arthritis can affect any joint. In many cases, this disease is the result of joint damage. This is one of the consequences of improper, untimely treatment of arthritis.

For a more accurate understanding of both diseases, the specific differences in each disease:

  • Arthritis refers to various inflammatory changes in the joints;
  • The more accurate name for the second disease is osteoarthritis. It is different in that the lesion affects cartilage tissue.

Mechanism of the 2 diseases

Arthritis - Variety Classification

Arthritis is the name of a particular group of joint diseases.

It is characterized by swelling, inflammation. The inflammatory process leads to the production of enzymes that have a detrimental effect on the joint, and ultimately its destruction. In addition to inflammation, an adhesive appears in the joint itself - fibrin.

This is pain at rest and can be relieved with exercise. Getting out of bed in the morning, a person feels unsettled, in order to get rid of this feeling, he needs to dissolve. Most often, the disease affects the upper and lower extremities.

There is one part of the disease: degenerative or inflammatory. This classification is based on the nature of the disease.

A disease in which joint cartilage is affected is called degenerative arthritis. Cartilage is used to connect and move bones.

There are several types:

  • Osteoarthritis;
  • Arthritis caused by trauma.

The inflammatory process of the disease is characterized by damage not in cartilage, but in connective tissue. Inflammation occurs in the inner space of the sac.

Divide it into the following categories:

  • Caused by an infection;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Response plan;
  • Gout.

In order to understand the difference between arthritis and dry arthritis, one should find out how osteoarthritis is not the same as other diseases in the concept of arthritis.

Progressive stages of joint disease

Osteoarthritis that is more accurately and correctly will be called osteoarthritis, this is a condition of chronic damage to the joint, long-term deformation. The main cause of deformity is irreversible damage to cartilage tissue.

Characteristics of the disease are destructive processes that affect the cartilage tissues, which is followed by a violation of their integrity.

Arthritis is a disease in which the mechanical abrasion of the cartilage in the joint is completely gone. The bones were exposed and their friction occurred.

A long-term, chronic illness.

There are 2 phases of its development:

  • Primary, detected in 42% of patients. It happens not from joint injury, but from overexertion or heavy work. Men who work physically for a long time have this disease.
  • Secondary, develops in more patients than the main stage and is involved in the consequences of trauma, on which basis the mechanism of destructive processes is activated.

Causes and Difference

Measure blood pressure according to the doctor's appointment

What causes arthritis

The main prerequisites of the disease can be ranked:

  • Exercise or work too hard;
  • Various infectious processes, including hidden ones;
  • Any type of allergic reaction;
  • Permanent damage to the same joint;
  • Disruption in metabolism;
  • Vitamin deficiency;
  • Immune system disorders;
  • Post-traumatic syndrome;
  • Genetic disposition.

Root causes and major signs of joint disease

The basis of this disease is not well understood. Only people reaching retirement age get sick. The disease is influenced by age characteristics.

Injury is considered to be another version of dry joints. Her joints should be treated. If this doesn't happen, then after a few years signs of joint damage will appear.

Clinical manifestations and symptom differences

Let's move on to a more detailed examination of the symptoms associated with joint diseases.

Pain symptom. Arthritis in its early stages is not characterized by persistent pain. It only occurs with strength exertion or joint movement. When you reduce the load or stop exercising, the pain will go away.

One does not take such manifestations seriously, so in order for the symptoms to increase, the disease progresses.Pain that starts to appear even with mild exertion. Decreases if a person is in a comfortable position.

Body aches and pains occur in the affected joint area. This may involve long walks, exercise or physical activity.

Occasionally soreness is felt after a long period of rest in affected joints. If it is arthritis, then symptoms of pain both at rest and with physical activity.

This illness tortures a person for the first few hours. Severe pain occurred between 3 and 5 am.

Crispy sound. Dry spasticity is associated with dry joints. When the cartilage tissue is broken down, the bones begin to friction. The sound becomes coarser and stronger, manifested in the slightest movement of the diseased joint.

Indicates the hardness of the motion. Arthritis greatly restricts movement of the affected joint and reduces the overall mobility of the entire skeleton.

Disorders the shape of the diseased joint. Both arthritis and dry joint disease can deform joints. But the deformation process itself happens in different ways. With dry joints, there is no redness or inflammation. Joints do not get hot to the touch. Deformation is also known as cold. Swelling may manifest at a time when the illness worsens, accompanied by soreness. Blood in a test tubeArthritis changes joints, it becomes hot, red and swelling appear. Pain is acute, occurs when touching the affected area, palpable nodular formations.

What will the blood test tell you about. The blood count for dry joints has not changed. An increase in the number of leukocytes and a sharp increase in ESR are signs of inflammation observed in arthritis. Increased white blood cells indicate that the body is susceptible to infection and internal inflammation occurs.

In the biochemical blood test for arthritis, there is an increase in the number of inflammatory markers, while in arthritis they do not change significantly.

Location of pathology. Osteoarthritis affects the body's large joints. These will be the knees, hip joints, and spine. The name of the disease comes from this: gonarthrosis (damage to the knee joint), coxarthrosis (affected hip joint), spondyloarthrosis (localized pathology in the spine).

Arthritis, known as rheumatoid arthritis, lacks (poor) morning mobility - one of the signs of rheumatoid arthritis. After waking up, a person feels a stiffness in the hand area. The wrist joints are affected both at the same time and both at the same time. With rheumatoid arthritis or psoriasis, there may be signs of inflammation in the knuckles - swelling (swelling) and redness.

There are a few other signs to identify arthritis.

If the finger on the upper or lower extremities is swollen and red, arthritis may be suspected. Arthritis is manifested by intense pain in the knees and ankles. There may also be pain in the big toe.

It comes with swelling and redness of the joints. Painful symptoms are frequent, sudden increase, and then disappear. Arthritis has an infectious origin accompanied by an increased body temperature, fatigue throughout the body, sweating, chills, painful bones.

Inflammatory processes affecting the joints negatively impact vital internal organs, the heart, kidneys, and liver.

Additional signs of joint disease:

  • Sterile necrotic areas;
  • Strong muscle tension;
  • Immobilizes part of affected joints;
  • Slow absorption of cartilage and bone tissue and friction between them;
  • Painful inflammatory process in the tissue around the joint.

Effect of the patient's gender and age on the presence of joint disease

Woman suffering from arthritis when seeing a doctor

Who is affected by arthritis

Rate rheumatoid arthritis and make up 2% of the entire world population.

Women "35-50 years old" are more susceptible to this disease.

Small joints are affected more often.

The disease surpasses anyone

Osteoarthritis does not support the elderly, regardless of woman or man. After retirement, the retired person fell ill. Total number of cases is about 20% of the total population on Earth.

Different diseases - different methods

The specialists in charge of treatment are called orthopedic trauma surgeons. Arthritis requires treatment from different specialists.

Arthritis and how to deal with it

The pain will subside in a short time with the help of anti-inflammatory drugs. But they do not affect the course of the disease.

The main goal of treatment is cartilage tissue regeneration. The main drugs that help with this are chondoprotectors.

With the help of these drugs, it is possible to cope with arthritis, regulate muscle metabolism, and restore damaged areas.

If the conservative treatment does not give positive results, joint resurgence can be used.

Its essence is that surgical interventions are performed to replace the diseased joint. Arthritis is a serious and incurable disease, because its processes are irreversible.

The patient must follow the doctor's recommendations about proper nutrition and therapeutic exercise - this is the period of mandatory treatment. Exercise, drug therapy, therapies - all of these lead to a positive effect.

What medicines and prescriptions do you give patients?

For uncomplicated conditions the prescriptions will look like this:

  • Hormone therapy;
  • Drugs intended to reduce inflammation;
  • Pain reliever;
  • Manual therapy, massage sessions;
  • Exercise set;
  • Physiotherapy - with the help of ultrasound and the use of thermal methods.

The complex course of the disease requires more medicine. Sometimes doctors insist on getting rid of the problem with surgery.

Who needs surgeon services? Patients with completely irreversibly damaged joints need a complete replacement. Depending on the degree of destruction of the joint, both full and partial replacement is used.

Arthritis treatment

It all depends on the type of disease that happened. The therapies will be different, they can be combined, changed, and selected for what will give the desired outcome in treatment.

Lifestyle Recommendation:

  1. Complete Nutrition,
  2. Avoid alcoholic beverages
  3. Reduce physical activity.

Among the drugs, antibiotics are prescribed and anti-inflammatory drugs are injected into the joint.

Moderate exercise and physiotherapy are very helpful in treatment.

The main thing in the treatment is to eliminate the inflammatory process and improve the body's resistance. They use vitamin preparations, dietary foods. It includes seafood, dairy and poultry.

Arthritis is contraindicated to direct sunbathing. Wearing shoes with large heels can aggravate the course of the disease, exclude it from your wardrobe.

Sickness imposes its own prohibitions: alcohol, heavy labor must become a thing of the past. Health is too expensive to disregard a doctor's recommendation!

Knee injection

Predicted disease outcome

Diseases differ in their ability to end.

Arthritis can be completely cured if the cause is removed.

Osteoarthritis is a slow, chronic disease with no chance of a full recovery.

Simple folk remedies

In addition to medicinal treatment, it is useful to use trusted recipes of traditional medicine. Often times, even doctors advise their patients to combine traditional medicine with folk medicine. This will speed up the healing process.

When treating arthritis, it is important to review your diet and daily routine. These two essential lifestyle pillars, if properly organized, can significantly affect the healing process.

Here are 6 rules you can follow to help patients:

  1. Follow the right diet. Modify your menu to normalize your daily intake of nutrients, vitamins and microorganisms.
  2. To normalize the diet, it is helpful to saturate the daily menu with fresh vegetables and fruits, and it is better to exclude salty foods entirely or use less salt in the diet. cooking process.
  3. Avoid hot seasoning in homemade and home-cooked products.
  4. Refuse to use foods for which in a particular case someone is gaining weight rapidly. These foods include meals high in carbohydrates.
  5. It is important to adjust weight. If you gain extra pounds, then you should remove them as quickly as possible, as this has a bad effect on your lower limbs by having to carry too much.
  6. Stop drinking alcohol because it is not good for the body and helps the drug elimination process quickly.

Among folk remedies, recipes are particularly effective:

  1. The use of birch buds is very helpful in the treatment of arthritis. They are poured with boiling water and the resulting mixture is boiled, wrapped in a warm cloth and allowed to incubate. Drink half a glass three times a day before meals.
  2. Burdock root is crushed, placed in a jar and vodka is poured. Place in a dark place, shake frequently inside the container. The resulting solution will be applied to the place where the pain is most severe.

Home remedies and nutritional habits

In the case of arthritis, you should saturate your daily diet with oily fish. The omega 3 acids contained in it quickly eliminate inflammation and relieve pain. As an alternative, we recommend using fish oil, which is just as effective as fish oil.

Milk and dairy products are good for you, but the best are skim foods. Cheese and cottage cheese must have enough calcium. The daily diet should include enough fresh fruits and vegetables.

In case of arthritis please ensure that the body receives enough vitamins. So it is very helpful to take a vitamin intake. Medicines with complex effects should be given priority. Some vitamins are absorbed faster than others. There are such complexes on sale in which the moment is to be taken into account. This helps to ensure that the vitamin is absorbed quickly and that no salt deposition in the joints occurs.

Proper nutrition, weight adjustment and constant monitoring of the health of the skeletal system will help cope with the disease, but will rule out recurrence in the future.

Traditional medicine offers ways to fight disease:

  1. Exercise and exercise regularly. You do not need to strain, exercise moderately and only bring joy from your activity.
  2. Very helpful if you go swimming or just do different exercises in the water.
  3. Compression is effective. With the development of the inflammatory process, warm options are helpful, and cold, such as ice, is suitable for pain relief.
  4. A healing bath with an anti-inflammatory process is especially helpful in the fight against the disease. For them, medicinal plants like eucalyptus, calendula, sandalwood oil, St. John's wort is suitable.

Recommended orthopedic tool

Knee pads are used to combat these diseases. Patients who have used them have noted that they actually help with pain, along with methods of dealing with the disease.

The choice of equipment varies widely, so a model is chosen to suit a particular patient, taking into account his or her medical history.

Each model has its own specific purpose. If you make the wrong choice, the device will not produce results because it simply cannot be worn.

A knee brace is a device that wraps around the lower limb. They are made of an elastic material, in some models an additional layer of insulation is provided. This option is good when the pain occurs constantly in different places. They aim to anchor the entire knee part of the leg. Great pain relief while walking.

Open models have a crop section. They help with walking, relieve pain when flexing the legs. They are very useful for those who need to move up stairs. Models have a rigid frame, they are made of elastic material. These devices help maintain the shape and position of the legs.

Disease prevention

As a preventive measure, it can be helpful to follow a healthy lifestyle. Moderate exercise is helpful. Quitting smoking, drinking alcohol will significantly reduce the likelihood of these dangerous diseases.

It is much easier to stop the development of any disease than to waste time, effort and money on treatment. If we talk about arthritis and joint disease, then as a precaution, it is helpful to treat all kinds of infectious diseases in time and on; Untimely treatment of these diseases can soon cause the development of serious problems with the lower extremities.

Ensure that the body is provided with sufficient quantities of all vitamins. Avoid hypothermia, dress in the weather. Ensure that the connections are loaded within the permissible range. It shouldn't be excessive. Overweight. In general it is better to get rid of excess weight as soon as possible, as they have a negative effect on the state of the entire body.

Should make a diet plan to provide enough nutrients for the body.